Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fridays News Flash 

Some kids wrote about recess:
•I played 4 square with my friends ~Ray
•I played at recess ~Kate
•We had our first indoor recess ~Vivienne and Juliana

• I made a new friend ~Anari

Some kids wrote about Specials:
•We had Technology ~ Addison
•We did computer lab with Ms. Grace ~Maci
• I played Fishy Fishy Cross My Ocean with Joseph. It was fun ~Benjamin
•We did Starfall on the iPads ~Kinverlie

Some kids wrote about Room 1B
• I have a job ~Amanda
•I am the lunch helper ~Sophia
•I have a job. I am the only kid who uses the electric pencil sharpener. ~Joseph
•My job is teacher assistant. ~Isla
•We learned math. It was fun. ~Juliet
•We had our first time with the iPad cart. ~Roshan and J.J.
•We had Calm Down Cool Down ~Tim

Friday, September 6, 2019

Dear Room 1B Families,

We are working very hard. It is really fun to be at school. We are making self portraits. We are sharing important boxes. So far Amanda, Roshan, Sophia, and Vivienne have shared. We are learning how to read. We love calm down cool down. That is where you play and you play in silence. The playground is huge. Some kids like to play GAGA ball. We like the purple playground. We love the whole playground. Some kids like playing 4 square. Benjamin brought us a cool ball for soccer. He is our new friend who speaks french. We also have 2 other new friends. They are Anari and Joseph. On Fridays we have 2 specials. We have lunch at school. Some kids like it. We are learning different ways to say hello in other languages. So far we learned French and Dutch. They are Salut and Hoi. 

Love, Room 1B
Amanda, Timmy, Benjamin, Xavier, Juliana, Roshan, Maci, Ray, Addison, Vivienne, Joseph, Juliet, Sophia, Kate, Isla, Anari, and Kinverlee and J.J.